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Soumya is an entrepreneur, the Founder of Digiotouch, and a secure software developer. At Digiotouch, he is on a mission to deliver secure, trustworthy, and sustainable solutions for the Next-Generation Internet (NGI). He is enthusiastically talks about Extended Reality (XR) and Quantum Computing. He is currently fundraising for an EdTech and a Rehabilitation platform.

Soumya has more than a decade of experience in Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, and IoT. He has published 90+ research papers which have received 3836+ citations (h-index 31). In 2018, IEEE elevated him to the grade of IEEE Senior Member in recognition of his significant contributions to the Internet of Things. He has delivered presentations (including invited talks, keynotes, panel discussions, and tutorials) in 70+ international conferences and events.

Soumya is the recipient of many awards for his research and leadership from IEEE WF-IoT 2019 (Ireland), IEEE ICII 2018 (USA), EU Datathon 2018 (Belgium), IEEE TenSymp 2018 (Australia), IEEE ISCE 2017 (Malaysia), and IEEE GCCE 2015 (Japan).

Soumya has been an active contributor to international standards including W3C Web of Things Working Groups on WoT architecture and Things Description, IEEE P2145 on Standard for Framework and Definitions for Blockchain Governance, and oneM2M IoT.

Soumya’s Vision for 2030

Pioneering a Safe, Secure, Trustworthy, Sustainable Next-Generation Internet

Worldwide, ~80% of organisations suffered security breaches and ~40% organisations reported incidents that cost them $ 1M+ in revenue. So, how can an organisation reap the benefits of digitalisation yet not fall victim to such breaches?
At Digiotouch, I am spearheading Cloud and Edge Computing powered solutions where advanced cybersecurity, data privacy, and trust are natively integrated. I provide consulting services on securing infrastructure, apps, and services of B2B clients from manufacturing, robotics, and industrial automation companies. I also organise training for software developers and individuals who are willing to upskill on cloud security, secure operations, secure software development life cycle, and DecSecOps. By working with me, an organisation will reduce cyber risks in its products & services, improve cybersecurity awareness, and install state-of-the-art secure operations.

Interviews and Presentations

Selected Industry Collaborations

In addition to universities and research centers, Soumya has collaborated with start-ups, SMEs, all the way to multi-billion dollar enterprises.